Teaching Sam and Scout

2 Months & A Before Baby Bucket List

You know that stage of pregnancy when you simultaneously feel like you have so much pregnancy left but also so much to do in the “short” amount of time before your due date too?  I’m there.

My due date is 2 months from Thursday.  I am almost 32 weeks pregnant with our sweet girl. Other than deep cleaning and de-cluttering every room of our house, washing and organizing all the baby clothes, trying to find some of the baby gear I lent out never to see again, finishing the nursery, writing a gazillion lesson plans for maternity leave, installing the carseat, and packing our hospital bag – we are ready.


No, really, we’re mostly ready.  Jeff and I have declared January our “month of productivity” (since that clearly didn’t happen over Christmas break) and – with still two weekends left to attack a few remaining projects – we’ve been, mostly, successful (well, really Jeff has, I’ve been doing a lot of Pinning and pointing).  The idea is that we would do as much as possible now so that February and March (what we get of it – I have a weird feeling she might come early… Does every mom feel that way?) can be focused on spending time as a little family of three and storing up all the rest and relaxation we can before baby arrives. I’m sure I’ll still have some “to do” things left on my list; but, I really don’t want busyness to be the focus of our last few weeks before baby.


With that goal in mind, here’s what’s on my unofficial “Before Baby Bucket List” in terms of fun and relaxation:

1. Take an overnight trip with just Jeff.

2. Get a prenatal massage.  (I’ve never had one before, but Jeff gave me a gift certificate for a 90 minute one for Christmas. I’ve been saving it to cash in once our “month of productivity” is up.)

3. Have a girls day/night out with my mom and sister.  (Funny side note: We did this at my favorite Mexican restaurant about three days before Sam was born.  During the meal my flip flop broke, and I literally spent the night barefoot and pregnant “out on the town.” Hilarious.)

4. Do something special with Sam to get ready for the baby.  (I’m thinking about taking him to Build a Bear – we’ve never done that – to make a stuffed animal to give his sister in the hospital. Anyone have any better ideas? I will also pick out a little something for her to give him.  Suggestions?)

5. Have a Mommy/Daddy/Sam day to focus on and celebrate our boy.  (We’ve never taken him to Chuck E Cheese, so we may venture there. Maybe roller skating?  Crazy, I know!)

This seems like a reasonable list, right?  In addition, of course, I’ll be squeezing in a few solo trips to Starbucks and Target and relishing in the fact that they won’t involve a gigantic diaper bag and heavy carseat/stroller, taking afternoon naps whenever I can, and getting my hair/nails done at least once (gotta look good to meet my girl).

I can’t believe how close it is now!


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