Teaching Sam and Scout

August 2016 Confessions

Well, well, well, what do we have here?!?! It’s officially the middle of August and the end of summer break for me… I go back to work in two days, so today and tomorrow are officially known as: the days I cram 12 weeks of productivity and fun into 48 hours so that I can begin the school year sufficiently exhausted and feeling like my house/life is completely organized for approximately three days. Anyone else doing that dance this week?!?

Summer is Over Meme

Anyway, along those lines, I’m joining my friend Heather once again (finally) to share some mid-month confessions today… Shall we?

August 2016 Confessions:

– Last week Nora (who is a total wrecking ball these days) dumped an entire container of baking powder on the floor of our dining room… And I LEFT IT THERE ALL DAY and let the kids PLAY in it. Sam even wrote a few letters in it, so it was basically a “Pinterest Activity.” 😉

– Due to some unfortunate TV problems at our house, I have watched a total of ONE HOUR of Olympic coverage this season. (Folks, I’m not proud of this. I LOVE gymnastics – and America – too. It just is what it is.) I have, however, stayed completely caught up on all of Unreal Season 2 and Bachelor in Paradise. #goals

– Similarly, I read TWO (out of TWENTY) books on my Summer Reading List. I barely even know myself anymore. (Later this week I’ll share which two I read, and two that I actually abandoned. Stay tuned.)

– This summer, I have gotten into the terrible habit of staying up until one or two in the morning (doing productive things like writing an eBook and watching Unreal) and then sleeping until close to nine. (Yes, my kids are freaks of nature and typically sleep that late too. Don’t be fooled though, neither one of them consistently sleeps all night without at least one wake up, and they were awful sleepers their entire first years.) I’m going to be in for a RUDE awakening come Wednesday.

– I think I have cooked a total of ten dinners this summer. I’m not even kidding. I have no idea what we’ve been eating, but it has not been home-cooking.

– I’m not one of those teachers that works all summer on units for the next school year or goes into school a week early to set up my classroom. Other than an online class that I teach, I totally take the summer off. It’s necessary, but it will make for quite the HUSTLE next week.

– I DESPISE putting sunscreen on my kids. Like, if given the choice between sunscreening two kids or getting a cavity filled, I’d choose the cavity every time. (This is a universal thing, right?!?) Anyway, as a result, we almost always go to the pool in the evenings and both of my kids wear FULL BODY (I’m barely even exaggerating) suits when we do. #sorrykids

– Did any of you listen to the Sorta Awesome podcast about music? It forced me to finally admit to myself that I just don’t really like… MUSIC. I know. I mean, I’m totally a fan of the Justins and T-Swift, but I’m just not a “music person.” Like, at all. I much prefer silence or talk (podcast/audiobook) even when I’m working out, and I frequently tell Jeff to “turn it down!!!” when he has Spotify blaring. Anyone else?

– Speaking of working out… About a week ago I loaded up the kids one afternoon and went to the gym. On the way, Sam said “Mom, we haven’t been to the gym in a super super super super super super super long time.” (There were probably even a few more “supers” in there.) When we got there, he was proven correct because some sort of “alarm” went off when I tried to check in and – apparently – my account had been cancelled back at the end of JUNE, and I didn’t even notice. Oops.

Whew. I guess I had more to get off my chest today than I realized. I hope you felt some solidarity!

Don’t forget to check out Heather’s confessions too, and have a GREAT Monday!


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