Teaching Sam and Scout

B+ Goals: February 2016

Good morning friends. It’s a Monday, for sure. I’m going to be honest, I’ve not been looking forward to this post. Like the classic stereotypical American, I was all excitement and energy and motivation on January 1st; but, by about the 15th, I was struggling to find my mojo. Top that with a snow storm that “trapped” me in the house for five days and a sick baby that kept me sitting in a chair watching The Bachelor (#hardlife) for three more, and this was NOT my most successful month ever. Not.even.close.

In case I haven’t been clear enough, here’s a quick run-down of my goals for January and my (lack-of) progress:

  • Wake up by 5:30AM and be at work by 7AM Monday thru Friday. Go to bed by 10:30PM Sunday thru Thursday.  I did pretty good on the wake up and bed time; but I don’t think I got to work by 7AM a single time. 🙁
  • Complete the She Reads Truth study on Genesis. I did 8 days. 🙁
  • Exercise two times per week. I went twice a week some weeks, but at least once every week. 😐
  • Drink 64 oz. of water every day. 🙁
  • Read James and the Giant Peach to Sam. Yes! I did this! 🙂
  • Organize kids’ clothes (closets and basement). thought about doing this a lot. ;(
  • Fill in my Lara Casey PowerSheets for 2016. I didn’t do this either. 🙁

Have you given up on me yet?

Goals are hard for me. I LOVE thinking about them and writing them down. I love making plans. But, the truth is, most weeks I’m feeling really good if my kids have clean clothes, I’ve cooked a few meals, and the dog hair hasn’t killed anyone. Seriously. The truth is, I want more than that, but I also don’t want to live in a place of constantly feeling guilty and like I’m not enough. I am. And you are too.

That’s what I love about this concept of B+ (or maybe D+ – ahem 1/7) goals… Instead of throwing myself a pity party and giving up, I’m choosing to focus on the little steps of progress I DID make this month. Those 8 bible studies, the 100% increase from December in gym attendance, the book Sam and I read together. Those things count too, and February is a fresh start.

So, with that in mind, I’m joining my friend Sarah again and sharing my B+ goals for February today: (You’ll probably recognize a few of them.)


February 2016 B+ Goals:

1. Bed by 10:30PM; wake-up by 5:30AM; and, seriously, get to work by 7.

2. Spend some quiet time journaling / praying / reading scripture at least 4 days a week. Start the She Reads Truth Lent Study (February 10th)

3. Exercise at least two times per week. Try out some new classes at the gym.

4. Buy a new water bottle and drink 64oz. of water every day.

5. Read a new book to Sam. I’m thinking either The Mouse and the Motorcycle or The Cricket in Times Square. (Again, we’re working through this list.)

6. Organize kids’ clothes (closets & basement). I signed up for a consignment sale and have to drop stuff off on February 13th. Hopefully that will be motivating.

7. Re-design blog (YES! Coming soon!!) and post at least three times per week.

8. Send “First Quarter” blog newsletter. (Have you signed up yet? If not, do it here!!)

9. Set aside a Saturday morning to myself and fill in those dang Power Sheets. 😉

10. Get in a habit of washing my face + applying moisturizer every morning and night. (I’m curious to hear about your favorite products here… I’m going to start with Nerium because I have some that someone gave me a while ago, but I’m open to suggestions!! Age 31 and the wrinkles are coming FAST.)

So, if at first you don’t succeed…. ADD MORE GOALS and try again! Haha!

Here’s to hoping!

Now, it’s your turn. Check out Sarah’s goals over on her blog and leave me a comment with your own. I’d love to see what you have planned. (And those of you that shared last month – thanks, btw – how did you do?!?!)



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