There are A LOT of voices on the internet these days, and I enjoy reading many of them. Instagram, in particular, makes it even easier to keep up with total strangers bloggers, and I often catch myself talking about them as if they are my real life friends. “So and so said this…” or “Oh, so and so, swears by that!” Of all the ladies I follow, I’ve noticed lately that there are four that seem to have more influence over me than others… These are the blog posts I don’t miss; but, more than that, if these women recommend a book / make-up product / pair of jeans / organization tool / cell phone case / etc. I can hardly resist the urge to get it myself. (And if two of them recommend the same thing? I mean, I’m basically a zombie!) So, in case you need a new influencer, here they are:
When these 4 bloggers say “jump,” I say “how high?”:*
Emily Lex of Jones Design Company
She’s internet “famous” for her graphic design and paper products, but I also LOVE her fashion and beauty sense, decorating style, and book recommendations. (She’s recently influenced me with her Classically Casual Looks for Spring and sold me on this new iPhone case.)
Emily Ley of The Simplified Planner
I’m sure this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone since I love my Simplified Planner, but I really do get so much from this gal’s blog (and Instagram) too. I feel like everything she does is beautiful, but that she makes an effort to keep things “real” too. Likewise, her heart for living a simple life that focuses on the things that really matter comes through in all she does – even including her beauty/skincare recommendations, clothing choices for she and her kids, and (or course) organization tools and tips. (I always find new things – from purses to pens to apps – via her Simplicity Series and Weekly Top Ten posts.)
Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs. Darcy
I hardly even remember the last time I read a book that wasn’t recommended by Modern Mrs. Darcey. Seriously. Anne has been my GO-TO for all things books and reading for a long time, but I’ve also come to trust her recommendations and opinions on other things – like podcasts, shoes, and cleaning products – too. (Her What I’m Into and Things I Learned posts are some of my favorites.)
Kate Bryan of The Small Things
I can’t remember how I found Kate’s blog originally – but I’m sure it had something to do with hair. She used to be a hairdresser (before deciding to stay home with her boys and blog full time), so her blog was initially all about that and included great tutorials and product recommendations in that realm. However, over the last three years, it has evolved to include much more about her life as a mom and – in particular, the way that has shaped her personal style. I hardly ever even look at her make-up/hair videos anymore (I’m lucky if I blow dry), but I love love love her thoughts on parenting (like in this post), her comfortable kid-friendly wardrobe (like the vest in this post), and her home decor/organization (as shown in this post).
One thing I realized about each of these blogs in putting this list together is that all of them have certain areas that they “focus” on, but their blogs show the whole person – the areas outside of that teeny-tiny lens too. From parenting discussions to shoes and moisturizer and Netflix, I love getting a little glimpse into the lives of other women around my same age and life stage. More and more, I find myself modeling that style here, and – so far – I’m happy with how it’s going. What do you think?
Who are the internet voices you listen to? What make a blog “stick” for you?
*This is only a figure of speech. These bloggers do not, in fact, ever tell me to “jump”, and I do not advise jumping anywhere without proper caution and thought.
Thanks for all the new reads! I clicked on all of them and could immediately tell I’d enjoy them all!
Anne Bogel is the best!!
Thank you SO much for posting this! I love all of these bloggers too- and as a blogger myself have been hearing so many voices saying find your niche! Then every time I want to talk about things that aren’t perfectly in that niche I feel like I can’t. I love how you say to have a general topic but inserting slices of your life and things you love is valuable! I love learning about all aspects of these peoples’ lives!
Oh- and I listen to you!