Teaching Sam and Scout

Buying / Trying / Reading / Watching with Ashley from The Pollock Potluck

Friday again huh?  Nora will be 7 weeks old, and my maternity leave will be over next week… Where is the time going?!? 

Thanks so much for all your comments and advice on my scheduling post this week.  I got some really good info from you all and plan to implement a little schedule once I am home for the summer.  (There’s going to be a good bit of shuffling between sitters, grandmas, etc. over the next four weeks until I’m out of school, so it feels a little pointless to start now. I know it will be harder then, but better late than never right?) In the meantime, thanks for continuing to be a community of mamas that supports and encourages each other regardless of our parenting decisions.  I LOVE it!

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Now moving on… It’s been a little while since I’ve shared one of these posts, but today I’m happy to welcome my sweet blog-turned-real-life friend Ashley to the blog!!


Ashley and I have been following each other’s blogs since we were both pregnant with our boys (born three weeks apart) in 2011.  Since then, I’ve loved sharing this journey with her and have learned so much from her mama heart, especially over the years as she has added a little girl to the mix and learned how to juggle life with two.  (Funny story: We finally got to meet in person and introduce our boys about two years ago… When she didn’t order a Diet Coke with her meal at Chickfila- I knew we were both big fans – I said, “you’re pregnant aren’t you?!?” and, sure enough, she was! Blog friends are real y’all!) Ashley recently made her blog private, but her Instagram is FULL of encouragement and cuteness, so you should definitely follow her over there.

Here are her four things…

Buying – Spring and summer clothes for my kiddos! We only buy used, so I’ve been counting down the days to consignment season. We keep a very strict clothes budget for each kid; it’s amazing how far that goes when I shop consignment! I’ve also recently picked up a few pairs of solid chino shorts from Walmart for myself. They are nearly identical to my beloved J.Crew shorts, without the hefty price tag.


Trying – To sew! My mom generously passed down her Bernina sewing/embroidery machine when she upgraded. Finding the time work on a sewing project is like trying to find the one missing Lego that completes Luke’s fire station. BUT! I have been doing a few little projects when I find some precious down time. Next up on my project list? Matching skirts for my daughter (Georgia Kate) & myself!

Reading – My small group is going through the book How People Change by Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp. We’re only a few chapters in, but it’s a great read so far. I’ve also just begun The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Clutter literally makes me stressed. I’m excited to start purging and organizing as I read through the book. Also, Little Blue Truck, Baby’s First 100 Words, and The Jesus Storybook Bible multiple times a day. Do those count?! (I wish I was more of a reader, but the truth is I’m not. In what little precious down time I get I prefer to eat Cheez-Its and watch House Hunters on Netflix.)

Watching – A Chef’s Life. My brother first introduced me to this show two years ago, & I’ve been hooked ever since. Also? It’s a PBS program which means you can watch episodes online for free! We also just signed up for Netflix last month, and the show I’ve been watching ever since is Hart of Dixie. I watch one or two episodes every night without fail! I feel like it’s a bit more wholesome than a lot of other stuff out there without being too cheesy.

Thanks Ashley!! (Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram – Her pics and words will totally bless your mama heart!)


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