I wrote this post for the weekend and then never posted it, but there are just too many good things not to share, so… here you go… a BIG list of the articles, items, etc. that got my attention last week. Enjoy!
- “How MLMs Are Hurting Female Friendships” — I’m not at all saying that all MLMs are guilty of this OR that they are all bad, but I have definitely experienced a lot of what this article describes. It’s a good, thought-provoking read no matter what “side” you’re on.
- My friend Katie of One Delightful Shop has changed things up a bit recently, and I adore all the new hand-lettered t-shirts and sweatshirts, the feather-style leather earrings, and – especially – the new C.S. Lewis quote tops. Go check it out and use E10 at check-out for 10% off! #affiliatelink
- I don’t have to tell you how THRILLED I am about this new podcast coming soon from Laura Tremaine!!! (Hoping it will give me some new blogging content too!)
- Speaking of podcasts, two of my favorite bloggers randomly mentioned the Bad on Paper podcast recently, so I, of course, checked it out right away. Here’s the description from their iTunes page — “Join 30-something YA enthusiasts Grace Atwood and Becca Freeman every other week for a book club featuring a young adult title that they promise you won’t be able to put down. In between, they’ll share their best tips for “adulting” helping you do everything from finding the right career to the perfect face serum.” Obviously, I subscribed. I’ve listened to a couple of episodes now, and I really like the vibe between the two hosts. Super fun.
- And… while we’re on the topic of books/reading… If you’re a public library user, make sure you are signed up Library Elf! A friend just told me about it, I signed up / connected my library card in a few seconds, and now I get emails reminding me when library books are due back, when holds are ready, etc. Maybe I won’t owe $50 dollars in late book fees anymore! Haha!
- “Moms, Just Do the Dishes: Your Kids Will Be Fine” — Yes! Yes! Yes! With all the focus on being “in the moment” and treasuring every single second of raising babies these days, I’ve often though to myself, “But who is supposed to do the dishes? We all know they don’t just do themselves.” I wish I’d written this. 😉
- But also… “I’m Not ‘Lucky’ Because My Husband Cooks and Cleans” — Jeff does most of the cooking in our house these days, and I’m not sad about it AT ALL. Still, though, I could definitely relate to the passive-aggressive “early days of parenting” the author writes about too.
- How perfect is this dress for a Clemson game (or church or just a regular teaching day)? I REALLY want it!!! (Update: My sister ordered it for me. Just as a “love gift,” because she’s the BEST.)
- “I’m a Little Too Fat, I’m a Little Too Generous. I Think I Know Why” — Beautiful and heart-breaking (Now go KonMari your pantry and do some good!)
- Do you follow Mari Andrew on Instagram? I LOVE her illustrations (and words) about grief, loss, love, and life. (The image at the top of this post is part of her collaboration with Framebridge. I love it.)
- And, last, I totally binged YOU on Netflix over the weekend. (That *might* be why this post never got published.) It seems like everyone is watching/talking about this show (apparently there are 40 million viewers), and I completely get it. Warning: It is pretty racy and VERY creepy, but it’s also seriously fascinating and entertaining. It’s made me think a lot about social media, technology, and – honestly – the messed up things girls/women are sometimes attracted to. ( This conversation with Penn Badgley – Joe – on Today this week gives a good summary of the show, and I LOVED Badgley’s insights.)
So, there you go! What have you been linking and liking lately?!? Let’s chat!