Teaching Sam and Scout

Dressing a Baby Girl (Part 2: Dresses)

Ok, so I might be eating my words a little bit today… Despite being on my big high horse about how much I want a baby to look like a baby and rompers/ one-pieces are the best, etc. etc. etc., I had never actually spent all that much time actually looking at my other options… Outside of smocked/monogrammed dresses (which I LOVE and plan to dress my little girl in for every special occasion until she’s 18), I really didn’t consider dresses a great option.  Until, that is, I took one look at the Baby Gap website and fell head over heels for the dress + leggings/ tights/diaper cover look on a little one… And, since I’d pretty much wear any one of these dresses in a heartbeat myself, I guess I’m totally going to break my (self-imposed) rule about not dressing a baby like a grown-up sooner rather than later…

I mean, just look at this stuff…

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And these from Mini Boden

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I can hardly stand the adorableness!!! Clearly, I’m going to need to win the lottery pronto!

(Of course, I still have some standards… Like no ruffles, tulle, sequins, etc.  But, then again, I should probably never say never…)

Where do you buy dresses for your littlest girls?  Also, are tights uncomfortable for babies? Are they the biggest pain ever for diaper changes? What about leggings?  Next week, let’s talk about baby shoes… What do you think?




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Don’t forget TOMORROW is the kick-off of the Mid-Month Confessions Blog Hop hosted every month here and at Notes from the Nelsens.  I’m so excited and hope lots of you will join in and share your not-so-finest moments with the rest of us imperfect goons!  Get all the details and grab the button right here and start working on your post to link up tomorrow morning at 8AM.  (Also, if you missed my interview with/introduction to Heather last week, check it out here.)



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