Welcome to Tuesday teacher friends… For most of you, the school year is (finally) beginning to wrap up. And – if you’re like me – you are probably tempted to throw your grade book out the car window, burn your binders, and run like the wind home on the last day of school. I know the feeling, trust me. BUT, I have found that the last weeks of school can be a great time to assess what worked (and what didn’t) this year, clean and organize your classroom, and make yourself your biggest fan when you show up all tan and refreshed in August…
Each year, around this time, I make two lists – one content and one classroom related – of things that I’d like to have done before I leave for summer break. Then, as the days (and my motivation) dwindles, I take some pride in being able to cross a couple of items off each day. Sometimes I finish everything, sometimes I don’t. But, regardless, I’m a lot better off for the next school year than I would be otherwise.
Below are my lists and a link to a printable/editable version in Word.
End-of-Year Checklist (click here to download & adapt)
I’m sure I forgot some things and will need to add/edit as I remember them in the next couple of weeks, but I think this is a good start. What would you include on your list that I left off of mine? Please share in the comments so we can all update!
Now, go forth and make lists!