Happy Friday!! I thought it might be fun to talk a little about Fall TV today – especially since four out of the five shows I like come on on Thursday nights – BUT, I need to give the disclaimer that I did NOT watch last night. Jeff and I had a fun night out with my family to see To Kill a Mockingbird at our local theater. (Side note: It was SO good. If you are local, you NEED to see it.) Anyway, some of my comments might be “off” a bit. FYI…
1. Dancing with the Stars

Adam Taylor/ABC
I was late to the DwtS party as this is only my second season watching it, and I only really started because I wanted an excuse to continue having “Girls Night” on Mondays even when The Bachelor/ette was off-season. BUT, my friends and I have come to love it!! It’s just (mostly) good, clean fun – and something I’m not embarrassed to have Sam watch with me or tell his teachers he watches. The music and dancing are great, and I’m always so impressed with the “stars” (I use that word lightly by the way, I mean, really).
This season I’m rooting for Alfonso (because how can you not?), Janel just because I think she’s really good, and Bethany because she’s sweet and seems like a good role-model. (Also, she’s basically a blogger except on YouTube, so we totally have that in common. Ha!) I’m still laughing at LoLo Jones terrible attitude on the first episode, I’m kind-of grossed out by Tommy Chong, and I am so sad that little Betsy won’t be back next week! I also think Sadie Robertson is pretty adorable even though I haven’t watched a single episode of Duck Dynasty in my life.
2. Grey’s Anatomy
Again, recognizing that I’m not fully caught up on the episodes, I think things are a little slow this season on Grey’s… I’m not really into the whole “Meredith has another sister” plot line, and the rest of the stories are just kind-of so-so. I did, however, cry through the entire first episode, and thought the part where Derek made the decision that his family was more important than the big job in DC was charming. Of course, Meredith handled it terribly – from the very beginning – but that didn’t really surprise me. I guess the producers are going to drag out their “rocky marriage” all season long, which will be torturous – maybe, at the very least, April & Avery will prove to be a semi-functional hospital couple. What do you think? Does anyone even still watch this show anymore besides me?
3. Scandal
Some of the best news I’ve heard all year was when they announced that Scandal would be moving to an earlier time and, thus, no longer competing with Parenthood. There are few things worth staying up until 11PM for, but those two shows are two of them! So far, I’m most invested in the Fitz and Mellie plot line. I feel like Mellie’s character – although usually very unlikeable – has been such a real portrayal of a mother in mourning. Also, there have been quite a few moments between them that have made me really believe in them/their marriage and actually root against he and Olivia getting back together. (I know, this show totally messes with my moral compass.)
I still miss Harrison and am ready for the Gladiators to stop being so awkward and just get back to business as usual. And, I’m terribly confused about Olivia and Jake. On the one hand, I feel sorry for him and want her to actually love him; but, on the other, I think he’s just in it for the sex. (No?) Mainly, I spend most of the episodes wondering how Kerri Washington got so skinny so fast after having a baby and kind-of missing her chubbier/pregnant days from last season. But, maybe that’s just me.
(P.S. Have you seen that The Limited now has a Scandal-inspired line?)
4. Parenthood
Speaking of tear-inducing marriages… I can hardly even discuss Joel and Julia. I know there is some other pretty major stuff going on on this show – but I just can’t get past these two. I, literally, cried the first time Joel made so much as an appearance on the show this fall and pretty much haven’t stopped since. Yes, I think Joel made a bad decision last season; BUT, Julia is (true to form) being kind-of a bear now. Right? He seems genuinely sorry and like he really wants to make this work. I can’t decide if Julia is really as fearful as she says she is or if she’s just being stubborn/ not sure if she wants to give up her lawyer boy-toy. Who, by the way, I think is gross. (Although, I must say, she’s looking especially hot this season… Less blouses buttoned all the way up until she chokes at least.)
I kind-of have to crack up at Amber getting pregnant from her estranged husband in a full body cast while he is in the hospital; but, hey, I’m sure it has happened before. Sarah surprised me with her reaction, but the night Amber told Zeke was just about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen on television (made me miss Poppy SO much).
And, the charter school. I love the concept – Adam and Christina are pretty much my TV idols – but it all seems a bit unrealistic to me. Adam teaching special-needs kids (or any kids for that matter) to make wholesome meals for the whole school every day on his lunch break from his other full-time job. I don’t know. I’m just not buying it. Also, am I the only one concerned about the fact that poor little Nora seems to be a bit neglected?!? Where does she go during the day? That toddler must sleep A LOT.
5. How to Get Away with Murder
It probably isn’t really fair to say I’m “watching” this, since I’ve only seen the first episode. I was really hopeful that this would be a show Jeff and I could watch together – we have a really hard time finding ones with plots we both enjoy – but, so far, I’m just not sure. It seems to have some good potential, but it borders on corny, and I get just about all the extra-marital affairs and dirt I can handle on Scandal. I do think Viola Davis is a great actress though, and the lead guy – I think his name is Derek – is pretty adorable. Is anyone else watching this one? What do you think?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I have big plans of taking Sam to his first high school football game tonight and cleaning out my closet all day tomorrow, and a date night on Saturday! What’s on your agenda?
Love me some Grey’s, but I agree that the sister she didn’t know about was repetitive, but I do like the idea the Richard is the FATHER!!! I still watch it religiously and hubby joins in too most Thursdays.
DWTS – i don’t watch this, but i follow Janel on instagram (b/c at some point i was watcing Pretty Little Liars on instagram). She is always posting about it. Makes me want to watch!
Grey’s – The season before last got so STUPID, i just couldn’t handle it anymore. This is when i started Scandal & i decided Shonda Rhimes must be focusing all her attention on Scandal and Grey’s was suffering for it. Ha. Now that the new season is starting, though, i want to go back and catch up on last season. But i think it’s not near as good as it used to be.
At work they play reruns a lot (in a waiting room) & it makes me remember when it was really good! The george & lexi & dr mcsteamy days!
Parenthood – LOVE THIS SHOW although it is so unrealistic that Amber would be pregnant. Ha. Haven’t watched this season yet but can’t wait!
Scandal – We are behind! Once last season is on Netflix we can catch up!
How to get away with murder – i have been really excited to watch this b/c i LOVE viola davis.
LOVE this recap…your shows are my shows…Thursday nights are BUSY!
I, too, am FINALLY rooting for Fitz and Melly, which makes me feel so much better that I finally WANT the husband and wife to be together!
My other three shows are Nashville, The Mindy Project & The Good Wife.
NOT that I need another show, but I’ve also been watching How to Get Away With Murder. I had mixed feelings after episode 2, but I just saw the 3rd episode yesterday and pretty sure it’s hooked me!
Thanks for the fun recap!
I never cried at Parenthood (or I rarely cried at Parenthood) before I was a parent. Now it’s water works during every episode. And Joel and Julia and their kids break my heart to pieces.
Everything you said is spot-on how I feel. I’m so sad this is the last season