Good morning! I can’t believe it has already been a week since my last post.
1. I found this painting, literally, on the side of the road yesterday.
I’m sure it’s nothing special to those of you with a true eye for art (clearly, since someone thought it was bad enough to throw out), but I’m unreasonably smitten with it. It matches the colors of my house perfectly and is just the simple but striking mantle update I’ve been wanting. Plus, did I mention it was FREE?!? #onemanstrash
2. I’m expecting my first Stitch Fix delivery today or tomorrow.
I’m about four years late on this trend because, honestly, I thought/think I like shopping too much to really make this worth my while. HOWEVER, when I shop for myself, I always lean towards places like Target and Old Navy, and lately I’ve been wanting to invest in some “nicer” pieces that everyone and their sister aren’t wearing too. Beyond that, I could definitely use some tips for dressing my “mom-bod” these days. I told my stylist (so posh sounding) that I’d be going on a kid-friendly vacation with stops at an amusement park, a zoo, and museums AND starting back to work in the next month, so we’ll see what he/she comes up with! I’m really excited about it, but I’m also nervous because I only have three days to choose what I want and send it back. Three days turnaround on ANYTHING in my life lately is pushing it… I really want to take some pictures and share my experience with you all, but I’m trying to be realistic and… three days. We’ll see what happens.
I know many of you use Stitch Fix, and I’d love to hear about your experience, your best tips, etc. Also, if any one is thinking of giving it a try, I’d be honored if you’d use my affiliate link (here) to sign up!
3. I started an email/newsletter list for this blog.
Speaking of trends… Email newsletters are all the rage in the blogging world. Here’s the deal though – I really want to have this list JUST IN CASE I ever lose my blog again like I did with the last one. This would make it SO much easier to get in touch with my readers and redirect to a new page etc. (Not that I’m planning on this happening again, but, you know… Better safe than sorry.) If you sign up, I promise I won’t send you a lot of spammy spam. In fact, other than maybe a “welcome” email in the next few weeks, I don’t really plan to send out ANYTHING until I get better grasp on things and figure out what you would actually like to receive via email. So… Will you sign up? Pretty please?
Yes? Just fill out this simple little form:
4. Nora is four months old already.
She really is (almost) always this happy!! She’s doing great with sleeping and eating (Alleluia!), is rolling over both ways now, and “talking” up a storm. Lately, I feel like she and Sam have been interacting with each other more and more, which is so fun. Last night I put her Bumbo seat in the bathtub with him and they splashed and played together. It was the best. According to her well-visit on Tuesday, she’s 13 pounds (25th percentile) and 24.5 inches long (40th) – my little petite girl. She was a champ for her shot and she, Sam, and I left with stickers and enough germs to give us both nice summer colds this week.
5. The FREE Classroom Management webinar from Teach 4 the Heart is Monday night.
I wrote about this last week, but I wanted to remind you all that this is happening on Monday at 9PM Eastern. I’ll “be” there, and I’d love for some of you to join me! It’s totally free, and you can sign up by clicking here.
There you have it! It’s a pretty exciting life a live these days. No plans for the weekend really, which is just the way I like it. Have a great one!
You will love StitchFix….definitely post what you receive. I like the stylist, Layla….she seems good at getting moms back on trend with realistic pieces. Also, I few days before I know my StitchFix is going to be underway by my stylist, I google “Blog and Stitch Fix Month and Year” By doing this, I can see bloggers reviews of the most recent items they’ve received and I know that they are most likely still in stock in the StitchFix website. Also, be as specific as possible when providing feedback from your fix….it gets you better fixes for sure. Oh, and the 3 day thing….they want you to check out by day 3. My mom brain has forgotten to check out for several days though and usually on Day 7 they will send you a gentle reminder like “hey…..remember us…you never paid for that maxi dress you’ve worn 4 days in a row now!” I’ve never been charged or anything
I’ve been meaning to try out stichfix. I love looking at what other people get!