Happy Friday! By the time you read this, I will be on my way to Charleston, South Carolina for YALL Fest… Charleston is easily one of my favorite cities in the world, and I love any good excuse to stay in a fun hotel and talk about books all day; plus, I’m meeting my girlfriend from college, Courtney, there – so all is basically right in the world. Excuse me for gloating.
Anyway, on to today’s Friday Five… Really just a random hodgepodge of fun.
1. Egg Muffins. I made a dozen on Sunday and have been eating them for breakfast every morning. They are really yummy and satisfying – and super easy to make. (I used eggs, sausage, cheese, spinach, and bell peppers in mine. Yum!)

From Eat-Drink-Love
2. Christmas Photo Inspiration. We are meeting my friend Mary over Thanksgiving to take Christmas/maternity photos, and I’m already brainstorming about what we will wear, etc. Currently, I’m loving the look of black and white stripe and red plaid. (I also love the simplicity of this look for maternity shots.)

From Hello Fashion Blog
3. Animal Prints. Man, I love every single one of these. They aren’t cheap, but I really want one for the next baby’s nursery (flamingo for a girl/ bear or buffalo for a boy). Maybe Christmas?
4. Lara Casey Powersheets. I’ve heard Lara Casey speak on two different podcasts lately, and a lot of what she had to say resonated with me. I love the way her faith intertwines with her passions and her desire to “make things happen.” Very inspiring. I think this will be the year I invest in the Powersheets…
5. And, a good reminder… Always.

From Allison Wyn Design
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
P.S. In case you can’t tell from the lack of real content this week, I’m hurting for blog ideas… How about a little Q&A? What would you like to see my write about? Questions? Ask em here, and I will answer next week…
your sister and her move back home to live down to street from you, and her wedding. OBVIOUSLY people want to know about that
I have been thinking about getting the power sheets too! I hear so many good things about them!
I bet your maternity photos turn out so cute. We had planned a Christmas/winter themed maternity shoot last year and then I got sick and never got better
So I will live vicariously through you!
Those animal prints are adorable!! I want to hear about what you hear/learn at the book conference. Also- what do HS kids read for fun these days? Do you read what they’re into so that you’re ‘in the know’?? (Or maybe just because YA lit is awesome??? Ha)
Loved your 31 days of working moms series even though that’s pretty far away for me! It’s encouraging to see so many teachers who make it work.
Teaching Tuesday ideas: how you balance formative vs. Summative work. How your teaching has changed each year, what goals you try for each year, how does your faith come into/impact your teaching/students/classroom, students favorite reactions to books/assignments. Lunches you pack? Haha.favorite day this school year so far? Your strengths as an educator?
Life posts: what are the things you HAVE to get done by Sunday evening to feel like you’re (mildly) ready for the week, what devotionals do you do, (have you read She Reads Truth? So good!), Thanksgiving traditions, favorite crock pot meals, movies that you’re excited about, fall nail color trends that you want to try… I don’t know – just trying for random ideas!
I appreciate your blog so much, by the way!
1. How did you handle behavior management as a young teacher? I am having difficulty with students often thinking I am their “friend.” I truly don’t think I cross that line (as I have seen teachers who do), but sometimes they may curse or say borderline things around me.
2. What are some aspects of teaching that you hate but are also guilty of?
3. What part of teaching gets easier each year lol?
I’d love to hear your ideas for streamlined maternity leave lesson plans. How did you go about finding a long-term sub the first time with Sam? How will you go about it this time? What sort of work did you leave for students? In what format did you leave it? How often did you check in with school/the sub?