Teaching Sam and Scout

How about Some Confessions?

This post is brought to you by a two-hour delay from school for “wintery conditions” and Nora’s utter lack of care for my desire to sleep in (with special thanks to Heather for not giving up on me and continuing to remind me about Confessions every month even though I’m a huge slacker these days).

So, how ’bout it?

March 2017 Confessions:

– We are “currently” having our floors re-done at our house (much-needed) and living with my in-laws. I say “currently” because the floors have actually been done for over a week now, but we are totally milking the clean-up and taking our sweet time moving back home. What can I say? At my in-laws we have meals! and laundry! and CHILDCARE! #wemayneverleave #outstayingourwelcome

– Yesterday, Sam woke up with a random black eye. Seriously, I don’t know what happened during the night, but he woke up looking rough. To make it even better, if you asked him what happened, he said that *I* hit him in the face *with my PHONE.* Awesome. I may or may not have actually done this; but, if I had, it was at least three nights ago (BY ACCIDENT) and clearly NOT responsible for the black eye. Oy vey!

– We visited Luray Caverns this past weekend DURING NAPTIME. I made the mistake of thinking Nora would nap in her stroller while we toured (it was dark and cool and perfect for napping – of course, I think all environments are perfect for napping, but that’s neither here nor there). Anyway, she definitely did NOT nap and, instead, I was the mom with the screaming toddler IN A CAVE (i.e. an echo chamber) for the one hour tour.

– I have a crush on George W. Bush.

– Nora calls my father-in-law by his first name and goes around saying “oh my gosh” all the time.

– I have no interest in getting rid of Nora’s pacifier when she turns two later this month (like I did with Sam). In fact, I’m seriously considering getting her a new Wubbanub as a birthday gift.

Well, that should do it. Got any confessions for me?!? I’d love to hear them! Also, don’t forget to check out Heather’s post here.

Have a great day and don’t forget to laugh at yourself!


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