Teaching Sam and Scout

January 2016 Favorites

Happy Friday friends! And Happy end of January. Man, it went fast. Today, as usual, I’m joining my sweet friend Heather (who is officially on “Baby Watch” now) to share a few of my favorites from the month. Here we go:

Favorite Finds Banner

Apple Watch – Jeff and I gave each other Apple Watches for Christmas. I was a little skeptical, but he’s a total techie, and I was sold because of how easy it makes tracking steps, heart rate, etc. (plus, they were on pretty major sale around the holidays). I won’t do an official “review,” because I’ve seen a lot of them online lately, but I’m really liking it (a lot more than I thought I would). Besides the convenience of just having a watch on all the time, I love that my calls, texts, and notifications come to it (thus making me less “attached” to my phone all the time); I can pay for my Starbucks with it (#nerdalert); I always know the temperature;  and – as I mentioned above – the activity app is great and very user friendly (it even sends me a reminder to stand up if I’ve been sitting for a while).

16867612Google Keep – Since we’re talking about being “techie,” I have to mention my affection for the Google Keep app (there isn’t one for the watch yet, but I love it on my phone & MacBook). I use this instead of Apple Notes/Reminders to keep track of my “To Do” list, my grocery list, my “To Read” list, etc. The interface is pretty, it can be accessed from my computer or phone (which I love), and – the best part – I can share lists (like the grocery list) easily with my husband. Combined with syncing our Google calendars, we are more “in touch” than ever before. *We can even send each other our heartbeats via the watch 😉 #gag*

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Private Selection Oatmeal Cups – And now, on a totally random note, have you tried these? I get them at Kroger, and they are DELICIOUS. My favorite is the Summer Berry; it has whole berries in it! Yum! Great for busy mornings!

Steamfresh Singles by BirdsEye – In the same vein of convenient (and mostly healthy) food, I’m loving these for a quick veggie for Nora. She’s a pea girl!


Osmo Gaming System for iPad – Sam got this for Christmas from Jeff’s parents, and it is so great. Basically, it has a little reflector and stand that connects to your iPad and makes it able to interact with game tiles (letters, numbers, shapes, etc.).  I admit that Sam loves his iPad more than I’m proud of, and gets his fair share of “screen time” (especially with all the non-school days from holidays and snow lately), but this is still very engaging and educational, so I don’t feel as bad. (Let’s be honest, I don’t feel bad at all. We love this thing.)

“No Rest for the With Kid” Pouch – I ordered this for myself to go inside my new “not diaper bag” tote (here). It is the perfect size to hold a pacifier, a toy, a couple of diapers, and a pack of wipes. Plus, the saying just cracks me up.

Making a Murderer – Yes, I’ve joined the rest of the world and gotten hooked on this show. Jeff and I are on Episode 9. Are you watching?

Natasha Bootie – It’s true. I’m a bootie wearer now. I’ve had my eye on these for MONTHS and finally bit the bullet. It was a good decision.

ePantry – Another thing that’s been on my “to try” list for a while. This is a subscription service for green cleaning products (and more). I got my first order on promotion this month, and I’m hooked. I especially love the Grove Collaborative Blood Orange Candle and all things Mrs. Meyer’s Basil. (P.S. If you sign up from my link we BOTH get $10 to spend.)

And there you have it! (What a random list.) Don’t forget to check out Heather’s post too and leave a comment with some of your favorites from January.

See you tomorrow with this week’s Links & Likes!

Until then,


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