Teaching Sam and Scout

Links and Likes 1.9.16


Their little friendship = pretty much my favorite thing ever.

Well, folks, we made it. Longest.week.ever. Right?

I don’t know about you, but I’m plum worn out. We’ll be doing a lot of sofa-sitting and Netflix watching (started “Making a Murder” last night finally) today and tomorrow. What on your agenda? Anyone finding the energy to do anything fun this weekend?

In the spirit of the new year, I’m trying to get back in the habit of sharing some of my favorite links and likes from around the internet on Saturday mornings. So, here we go…


Making a Mom Friend is Exactly Like Dating”

Jen Hatmaker on Facebook: “My 2016 Wish for the Internet”

Yet another reason why I LOVE Chick-fil-A

“Murphy’s Law of Breastfeeding”  And, on that note, I’m terrible at it, but Sarah’s post on Breastfeeding in Public is great. (You go girl!)

“Kids and Screen Time: A Peek at Upcoming Guidance” #convicted

“Mom: What Do I Expect from My Children’s Elementary School? Certainly Not This” -Obviously, I am very PRO public education, but this Washington Post article brings up a lot of good points and articulates many of my own thoughts/feelings as we decide what to do with Sam next year. More on that soon(ish) – maybe.

“This Is Not a Flower Year” – Love this perspective!

I Don’t Feel Like an Adult”

“Someday” – made me cry a little


ePantry – I just signed up and am really excited to get my favorite Mrs. Meyer’s basil soaps, a new blood orange scented candle, etc. delivered to my door regularly (at a really great price). *Sign up here and we both get a free $10 to spend on our next order.

Lunch Crock Food Warmer – I’m intrigued. Anyone tried it?

This shirt is the talk of the internet lately? (Well, at least if you consider Pinterest Told Me To and Big Mama “the internet.”) I’ve put it in and out of my shopping cart at least fifteen times, but I finally bit the bullet and bought it yesterday. And I went ahead and added this too, I mean, since an order was already coming anyway. 😉

I listened to the audiobook of this over Christmas break. It wasn’t an absolute favorite, but it definitely kept my attention.

How cute is this from one of my favorite Etsy shops for boys’ clothes?

These are the pens I use in my Emily Ley planner (her recommendation). They are fun.

Speaking of EL… If you’ve been debating about the Simplified Planner, now is the time to pull the trigger. Emily predicts they will sell out NEXT WEEK. Get yours here. (SO many thanks to those of you that have already purchased via my affiliate link. I hope you love it!! And I promise to quit talking about it now… For a while.)

That ought to do it. Get some rest, friends!



P.S. If you haven’t already, make sure you run over to Heather’s blog to fill out her survey (super simple Google form) and be entered to win a $25 Target, Starbucks, or Amazon gift card!!

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