Teaching Sam and Scout

Links and Likes 4.9.16

Happy happy weekend! As I type this, it is blowing snow like crazy outside… in APRIL! We have two birthday parties to go to today, and I just hate that the weather isn’t cooperating… I’m sure we will still have lots of fun though! What are your plans for the weekend?

Real quick before I get to today’s links & likes, I wanted to thank you all again for your sweet response to my pouty post on Monday. I’m happy to report that – other than typical spring allergies/colds – we are all healthy AND the last three nights have been much better for Nora (and me). I’m not 100% sure, but I think she might have been having a little intolerance to the cow’s milk I had recently introduced. For now, I’m sticking with my milk and a little almond milk, and it seems to be working. (I’d love to hear from any of you that have experienced something similar!) Anyway, I can’t tell you how much it means to me to be able to be real and vulnerable here and receive so much support/solidarity. As usual, you guys are the BEST!

Ok, on to my finds…


“7 Ways to Survive the TEACHER-MOM Struggle” – I saw this post all over my Facebook feed this week… So many of my teacher-mom friends could relate, and I thought the advice was great!

“Putting on Our Actual Easter Best” – such wise and real words on motherhood and Jesus from my blog-friend Amanda

I love the Bush ladies, and this interview on parenting with Savannah Guthrie made me love them even more! #notpolitical

“6 Ways Good Parents Contribute to Their Child’s Anxiety” from The Washington Post – definitely made me think

“Because You’re a Woman” – very powerful…

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Rachel Platten “This Is My Night Song” Parenting Parody Song – Geez, could I ever relate. 😉

If you know Anna Donaldson’s story of losing her 12 year old son a few years ago, you were rejoicing with the rest of the internet as they welcomed their “miracle” baby this week.

This week’s Sorta Awesome Podcast: Ten Friends Every Woman Should Have was great!


Mama Bear T-Shirt Pre-Order from Thirsty Hearts Design – I love this as a Mother’s Day gift (*hint*hint*)

I saw a friend carrying this bag a few weeks ago and assumed it was fancy/expensive; but, I spotted it at TARGET (of course) this week! It’s a great “mom bag.” (I’m also really loving this one for the beach or pool.)

I finally jumped on the Spotify wagon, and Sam and I are loving the Hamilton soundtrack.

I used this app to keep up with my “Links” this week. Super simple.


Hope you have a great weekend!


*FYI, you know the drill, this post contains affiliate links. See my full disclosure in the sidebar, and THANK YOU for your support of this site! 😉

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