Teaching Sam and Scout

My Favorite Podcasts

I’m maybe a little bit addicted to listening to podcasts. Last fall I jumped on the wagon with everyone else in the world to follow Adnan Syed’s story on Serial; but even though it ended months ago, I’m hooked on the podcast trend.  I listen when I’m doing chores around the house, at the gym, while taking a walk with Nora, in the car, etc. etc. etc.  In fact, almost any time I’m “alone” lately, I have a podcast (or audiobook) on. In the last eight months or so, I have listened to A LOT of different shows, but these are my favorites to date.


The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey


This really is like having coffee (or wine) with a close girlfriend. Each week, Jamie interviews one of her friends about what God is doing in her life, but also about what show she is binge-watching on Netflix, what she’s reading, what parenting challenges she is facing lately, and more.  This is the podcast I listen to as soon as it is released every week and often text with my own friends afterward about the episode.  It makes me laugh and really think about some harder topics. I love it!

Recent Favorites – Emily Lex of Jones Design Co. Part 1 & Part 2 and Jess Connolly (I love what she has to say about her struggles with body image!)

The Lively Show


Jess Lively has dedicated her whole life to intentional living and even managed to make a career out of it through blogging, podcasting, consulting, and running an online workshop titled “Life with Intention.”  Each week on the show she interviews guests about a different topic (health, entrepreneurship, blogging, simplifying, organizing, exercise, writing, balance, parenting, fashion, etc.) through the framework of being your best self. It’s super inspiring and always motivates and encourages me to get more out of my own life.  Plus, as a bonus, it introduces me to lots of awesome people on the web!

Recent Favorites – Better Than Before: Mastering Habits Based on Your Personality with Gretchen Rubin (I requested her book at the library immediately after listening to this and have since started reading it!) Also, just last night I listened to the latest episode: Behind the Scenes of The Royal We with Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan and enjoyed it so much too.  The Royal We is now, absolutely, on my “to read” list as well.

The Mom Hour


This is a fairly new find for me, but I’m really liking it! The hostesses – Sarah Powers and Meagan Francis – have eight kids between them (ages 2 – 17) and, like two close girlfriends, chat each week about hot topics and every day life in the trenches of motherhood. I don’t usually like shows that feature the same person/people every week, but this is an exception.  Sarah and Meagan have a dynamic candor between them and easily keep my attention. They also talk about things that are relevant to my life and simultaneously make me laugh, nod, and think.  It’s really an hour I look forward to every week.

Recent Favorites – We Hate Fun! (Okay, Not ALL Fun) and Two White Moms Talk Awkwardly about Race

*They also have a great “tutorial” on how to listen to podcasts on your phone right here. Definitely check it out if you are wanting to join this craze and aren’t sure how.



On Faith, Womanhood, and Motherhood —

The Influence Network Podcast

Sarah R. Bagley (listen to my interview from February here)

The Longest Shortest Time

God Centered Mom Podcast


On Blogging/Business —


Smart Passive Income

How They Blog (this one is on hiatus right now, but the archives are fantastic)


For Kids — (Sam loves listening to these while he is falling asleep or in the car. I do too.)


Bedtime FM: Story Time


So, that’s what’s on my feed these days… What am I missing?!?!? What’s your favorite podcast? When do you listen?

Have a great weekend! We’re having Sam’s birthday party tonight and a relaxing/hopefully productive weekend ahead.  See you on Monday!


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