In the middle of each month, Heather and I pause to come clean about our mistakes, mishaps, and messes; laugh at ourselves; and admit that real life is not always rainbows and unicorns. Here’s my uncut crazy from October:
This still counts as mid-month, right?
– I sent this text to our neighbors on Tuesday night —
Basically, you are supposed to put the little ghost cut-out on your window indicating that you’ve already been “hit,” but I forgot. Also, for the record, I was promptly corrected that it is called being “ghosted” not “booed” (which makes no sense to me), so I wasn’t even using the right terminology. #momfail #slackerneighbor *We DID find the owner of one of the gifts and were able to return it; we have the darn ghost on our door now; and Sam and I are making our own treat basket to deliver tonight. #funhater
– In case you couldn’t have guessed this from the above, Halloween is a big deal in our neighborhood. The city closes off our street and people literally come from all over the city to trick or treat there. As of today, we are one of very few houses (and probably the only one with young kids) not completely decorated for the occasion… Looks like I’ll be hitting up the spider web section at Walmart this weekend.
– Also, I eat Sam’s candy when he is asleep and pretend I have no idea what he is talking about when he asks about it the next day. #itisbetterforhishealth
– I think I might have mentioned here that I am taking a class at Virginia Tech this semester on Wednesday nights. Most weeks, Jeff’s parents have been watching the kids during that time so that he can go with me. It’s been a fun chance for us to catch up and have adult conversation on the car ride (about an hour each way), sometimes grab a meal together, etc., and I’m thankful to not have to drive home alone late at night after a long day. Anyway, the confession part of this is that Jeff almost always drops me off in front of my building and picks me up, on a college campus, in our family minivan. #coolcats #toocoolforschool #sorryforallthehashtagstoday #itsjustsofun
– A few weeks ago I was on the phone in the car (incidentally, sitting in my driveway, because that’s how I roll), and Nora started fussing. Without thinking about it, I reached behind me and grabbed the first thing I could find that would pacify her for a little bit – an empty water bottle. That’s right folks, I grabbed a piece of trash from the car trash bin and threw it at my baby, then allowed her to play with it until I was done with my phone call. (This kind-of reminds me of the time I used her to block a flying kick ball.)
Well, I’m feeling great about myself. 😉
Don’t leave me hanging please!! Write your own confessions post and link up with us below or, simply, leave your confessions below. (And don’t forget to check out Heather’s post too!)
Dani R. says
I confess that I totally forgot about this today!! But these are too funny! Love it that your neighborhood goes all out for Halloween! Party City also has some super fun decor that won’t break the bank 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Amanda K. says
i don’t have a blog post but i do love these 🙂 maybe i’ll get my act together next month 🙂
Heather says
Haha love that y’all have those built in date nights on your way to school in the minivan. 🙂 An hour long car ride sans kiddos is definitely a date… even without dinner! And sweet Nora girl- I bet she loved that water bottle. 😉