Teaching Sam and Scout

Thank You & Thoughts

I’m having some issues with Word Press today, so I’ve written this post five times now. Each time it has gotten shorter. Sorry. Or, You’re Welcome.

Mainly, I just want to say thank you for your sweet comments and congratulations here (and on Instagram, FB, etc.) in response to my announcement yesterday. Jeff and I (and Sam – although he is still living in a little bit of a dream world and asking if I could please just have a “big kid” in March instead of a baby) are so excited and grateful for the opportunity to bring another little life into our family.  

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Am I nervous?  A little. As many of you know, my transition into motherhood with Sam wasn’t nearly as smooth as I (naively) thought it would be.  Last night I was at a women’s event at my church and the speaker (Priscilla Shirer via video) was talking about how we have to get to a place of “doing our very best and not being quite good enough” before we really learn how to rely on God.  That thought took me right back to the early months (year?) with Sam –  feeling empty, exhausted, and like maybe I should have just stuck with teaching and writing and things I was “good at” and left parenting to the blog/Pinterest expert-moms.  That season (although so precious is so many ways), was kind-of an ugly one for me. It was a hit to my pride and to my spirit; but, ultimately, I learned to LET GO a little bit and rely on the Lord.  As Shirer said last night, I had to run out of myself in order to run in to God. I am a different person than I was when Sam was born three years ago… Of course, I don’t know how this person will handle parenting two little ones or if the adjustment will be any “easier,” but I do know that I don’t have to do it alone this time.  This time, I won’t even try. 🙂

On that note, it was especially fun hearing from lots of you who a.) walked through that season of new parenthood and transition with me back in 2011 when Sam was born and b.) who have recently welcomed second babies (or third or fourth) of your own, and offered words of encouragement and support.

I also LOVED hearing that several of you are also expecting babies this March/early spring! Yay!! We will totally meet up for middle-of-the-night Twitter chats (or something). 😉


Anyway, I’m incredibly thankful for this community and looking forward to sharing this leg of my journey with you all…



P.S. Jeff sent me a link to this article yesterday, and I loved it. I totally agree that – while I may be more tired, less social, and chubbier than I was pre-kids, I’m also SO much happier. 🙂

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