Still pregnant. The good news though is that I’m tying up lots of loose ends in hopes of making labor/delivery, maternity leave, and adjusting to life with a newborn again as easy as possible (ha) whenever our girl does decide to make her appearance…
Speaking of which, I’ve been working on a fun little guest post series on the blog for Thursdays over the next few months where I’ve invited some of my very favorite bloggers and BBFs (best blog friends) to share a quick list of four items: something they bought recently (or are currently shopping for), a hobby or trend they are experimenting with, a book (or blog) they are reading, and the TV show they don’t miss an episode of/ most recent Netflix binge. Fun, right?
I’m excited to kick off with one of my biggest blogging idols (bet you can’t guess who it is) next week; but, for now, I thought I’d share my own list. Enjoy!
Buying – Last minute baby stuff (like this and these) and clothes that I think will fit me / be comfortable postpartum. I’m probably most excited about this shirt that was delivered a couple weeks ago and is already in my hospital bag.
Trying – The ombre lob. (Does that count?) I had my hairdresser cover some grays at my roots last week and decided to go a little wild. She also lightened my ends and took a few inches off, so it lays just right around my shoulders now. It’s a little out of my comfort zone and taking some getting used to, but I think I’m going to like it. Now, to find the perfect curling wand and master those “beach waves” that are all the rave. #coolmom
Reading – The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner. I loved listening to Jessica on the podcast circuit a few weeks ago, and I’m enjoying the book a lot! She has a really important message for women about the value in taking time for yourself… The Good Girl is next in the queue. I’ve heard it compared to Gone Girl (one of my very favorites in recent years), so I’m excited. P.S. Have you noticed how many popular books have the word “girl” in their titles these days?!? (This one is on my list too.)
Watching – I just got caught up on Scandal and, I have to admit, I’m not as into this season as ones before it. I’ve been saving Gilmore Girls, Friday Night Lights, and The Good Wife for maternity leave (too ambitious?), so I’m excited to start those soon!! (Also, for the record, I have zero interest in House of Cards. Anyone else?)
Ok. There you have it! What about you? What are you buying / trying / reading/ and watching these days?!?
Stay tuned on Thursdays for lists from people much more interesting than me!
*Image done by my girl Erika. Email me if you are in the market for blog design… She’s the best!
the Good Wife is so good. That’d be a great mat leave treat show. I watched seasons 1-5 in less than a year, not including leave.
I just finished The Good Wife seasons 1 and 2 during this maternity leave. Really enjoyed it. Taking a break but plan to continue on to season 3 soon. Loooooove Friday Night Lights and Gilmore Girls, too!
I have been watching Gilmore Girls since it got onto Netflix back in the fall. I have made it last (only in season 3 currently) but looking forward to finishing it once baby is here! So good!!
I finished The Girl on the Train last night and gosh it’s good. I really enjoyed it. I usually just read at the gym and I made time to read it at home it was so good. I definitely recommend it.
Friday Night Lights is completely wonderful and I wish I could watch it for the first time again. I also just finished binging Hart of Dixie and it’s good in a I-don’t-want-to-think-about-what-I’m-watching kind of way.
I just started Hart of Dixie because so many people recommended it and I’m like WHAAAAAAAT AM I WATCHING?!?! It’s so terrible that it’s hilarious. But not so terrible that I haven’t watched 5 episodes anyway, ha.
I SO agree with House of Cards. I watched the pilot last year and HATED it…LOATHED it. I just watched it again at my husband and friends’ begging and I did like it better. I have heard it takes a few episodes to hook you.
i love Hart of Dixie! It’s really just so mindless, it is perfect and hilarious. I watched all three Netflix seasons in about 2 weeks… It was a little ridiculous!
ah! the hair sounds great! so wish there was a picture
Oo, I want to see a picture of the ombre look! I am toying with the idea of trying it once I get my hair to grow out a little longer.
I also want to see a pic of your new haircut! I am such a wimp about cutting my hair. I loved Gilmore Girls and also watch Hart of Dixie. It’s kind of a silly show but I like it anyways. Certainly no worse than Pretty Little Liars, if you’ve ever watched those. I downloaded Girl on a Train but have lost my reading mojo and can’t really make myself read lately. Maybe it’s because I’ve been binge watching Game of Thrones. I’ve never tried House of Cards but I hear so many good things about it that I’m tempted to. I was also reading today about a show that is starting soon on Netflix called Bloodlines. It has Kyle Chandler who I like from waaaay back in his Early Edition days. Yep, I’m old.
I must confess, I was a little let down with “the girl on the train”. I mean, it was good, but not “gone girl” level good. I love love love all three of gillian flynn’s books, so i might have had my expectations set a little too high. I am going to check out good girl after I finish Still Alice.
p.s. I love checking out your blog for book recs —- they are usually spot on, so thanks for sharing!