Teaching Sam and Scout

What My Kids Are Getting for Christmas

So, at our house, we do Jesus AND Santa. (For more on that, check out this post from last year.)

Gifts are one of my love languages, and I genuinely enjoy shopping for Christmas every year. I try to stick to a general “three gifts” + stocking rule from Santa, but that got a little stretched this year because I finally convinced Jeff to get the kids a kitchen set. Sam loves playing pretend and has been really into cooking lately; plus, Nora will be able to play with it soon too (and, I’m sure, will enjoy chewing on the plastic food in the meantime). We don’t wrap “Santa gifts,” so I love having something “big” for them to see as soon as they come down the steps that morning. I’m even looking forward to a late night “set-up” on Christmas Eve. (Growing up, my parents always drank the same type of champagne as they put together our gifts into the morning and exchanged stockings themselves then. I’m all about continuing that tradition with Jeff.)

So, just for kicks, here’s what my kids are getting for Christmas this year: (Don’t tell!)

KidKraft Vintage Kitchen / Cookware Set / Play FoodGreen Toys Dishes

Doctor Kit / 12″ Doll

Baby Lit Books / Waiting / Robo-Sauce / The Day the Crayons Came Home 

Fox Socks / Wubbanub / Training Cups / Robeez

R2D2 Thermos / Handwriting Maybook / Markers / Play-doh / Toothbrush / Bandaids

(Stockings new from Target this year – I love that they are big & fun!)

What about you? What are your kids getting this year? Do you stick to any “rules” or guidelines when it comes to gift-giving? Wrapped or unwrapped? I’d love to hear!


P.S. Here’s a fun fact: This is the first year that I didn’t buy a single Christmas gift in stores – not even the bandaids. I <heart> online shopping! And, if you have Amazon Prime, you can still order almost all of these items in time for Christmas!

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