Hi friends! Hope you’re having a good weekend so far! Are you off on Monday too? We had a BUSY day yesterday – soccer, basketball, AND a birthday dinner – so we’re looking forward to a MUCH lazier day today. Haha!
In case you’re also planning to do some vegging today, here are a few of my Links and Likes from the week…
- How cute are my Banned Book Socks from Out of Print (shown above)? They were an awesome Christmas gift from a student this year!
- I shared these Pillsbury Pokemon cookies on Instagram this week, and you guys loved them almost as much as Sam did. 😉
- “Her Clothes, Her Choice, Her Confidence — Why My Daughter Picks Her Own Outfits” — To be honest, I’m still working on this, but I really like the perspective here.
- Laura Tremaine – my favorite bookish internet voice – posted her lists of favorite fiction and favorite nonfiction books from 2018 this week. Surprisingly, I’ve only read 4 out of the 20 she mentioned – but the other 16 are now on my TBR list of course.
- Speaking of books, I finished Becoming, and I can’t stop thinking/talking about it. It was SO good. (More on it at the end of the month for sure!) *I also started this one last night (so far so good), bought this for $4.99 on Kindle, and need to read this for Book Club next month. So many books, so little time!
- Oh! One more about books: Did you see my big list of Sam’s favorite books this week? Lots of recommendations if you have young/new-ish readers. 🙂
- Have you watched Katelyn Ohashi’s perfect 10 floor routine? It’s AMAZING! (Fun Fact: I was a competitive gymnast until I was 15!)
- YES! Why children act worse around their moms… It’s not just me!
- I loved these reader comments on parenting from Cup of Jo. (Especially the “love stories” and “wise words.”)
Alrighty! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend. Be lazy if you want. Don’t shower. Read a whole book. You deserve it!