Happy Saturday and Happy June! Can you believe it is June already?!? Sam “graduated” from Kindergarten on Thursday, and I am sort-of in shock over how fast this year went… Even though I still have a few more days (my last day of school is Thursday + graduation on Friday), summer feels like it has “started” over here. We have one final t-ball game this morning and a birthday party for my nephew tonight,then – hopefully – plenty of time spent outside playing and relaxing on Sunday. What are you up to this weekend?
Anyway, before you get your Saturday going, here’s longish list (I started this post for last week, but never got it up) of links & likes for your browsing enjoyment…
“Dear Teachers” – Thanks Kelle! You get it!
Jen gets it too, as usual.
The Good Mom Secret – you need to read this today, and – when you are done – pass it on to a new mom or two you know.
I’ve been feeling rather “itchy” in my house again lately… Like every little spot on the baseboards, blank wall (where a shelf may have come crashing down last weekend during a rousing game of hide and seek), or extra bike/sneaker/My Little Pony/granola bar wrapper is just taunting me. Will things ever be fully done/decorated/clean? So, the ‘No Makeup Home Tour‘ several bloggers hosted this week was REALLY refreshing for me. We already know the photos we see of pristine rooms on Instagram aren’t the reality (at least not of the whole house), but it was a nice reminder that even designers have random coffee tables and piles of papers hidden just out of the shot.
This is old, but new to me — I just printed this (free) Printable Summer Activities Planner from OhMy! Creative, made a few changes, and put it in a cute “summer binder” for Sam. (I also ordered one of these because I’m a sucker.) He loves organization, checklists, and a good calendar as much as his momma, so here’s hoping we can both stick to these plans.
And, speaking of summer, I got a lot of great ideas from this episode of the Sorta Awesome Podcast. (I LOVE the idea of assigning each kid a “day” to be the designated chooser/helper. Genius!)
I read Nora this sweet book this week from the library and will be ordering our own copy ASAP.
I died when these pajamas showed up in a Facebook ad yesterday. Too darn cute. I love these for me too!!!
I’ll share more about this once I have a little more time to try it, but I just signed up for a free month of Scribd – which offers UNLIMITED books, audiobooks, and magazine/newspaper articles for $8.99 a month. I’ve really gotten into audiobooks, but Overdrive never seems to have what I want (probably because my library/collection isn’t very big), and Audible’s one credit (at $14.95 a month) isn’t enough for me. This *might* be just the solution I’ve been looking for! Of course, it might be too good to be true, but we’ll see. (Anyone have experience with it?!?!)
I did some “summer shopping” this week and treated myself to this top and this dress from SheIn. You just can’t beat their prices, and I love that there are so many reviews of their clothes (many with pictures).
And, of course, I’m LOVING Emily Ley’s new hats – pictured above!! (P.S. Teachers: I’ve got a special “Now & Later” Emily Ley giveaway just for you coming next week! Stay tuned!!)
Have a great weekend!