Yay! The day has come! It’s the fifteenth, and I’m so excited to be co-hosting the first Mid-Month Confessions blog hop of 2015 with Heather from Notes from the Nelsens today!
Remember, this is just a fun spot to “air our dirty laundry” (figuratively or, in my case, literally) and share some of the moments when we failed this month but were able to pull ourselves back up and have a good laugh about it. It is a place to connect with other bloggers and put our non-highlight reel out there so that we can feel a little better about our less-than-perfect lives. I’m sharing my list below, Heather’s is over on her blog now, and we invite YOU to write your own post and link-up at the bottom of either one.
So, let’s do this:
– Lately, Sam is really into “video games.” In reality, he is playing a “cupcake maker” game or watching mini cartoons from the PBS app on my phone for about 30 minutes most days, but he talks about “playing video games” ALL THE TIME. The other night before bed, I asked him what he was thankful for, and he said – you guessed it – video games. I am mortified at the fact that my three year old is probably telling his teacher (and anyone else with ears) about all the gaming he’s doing these days. Oy vey!
– I love my job, but from January – March I LIVE for snow days/delayed openings. Like a child, I get giddy and can’t sleep the night they are calling for any sort of wintry weather, and then I spend the entire next morning checking my phone incessantly for the alert text (and possibly checking the local news and school website too just in case my text messaging isn’t working) and wait entirely too long to actually accept the fact that I am going to school and get in the shower. (HOORAY! I actually got the first real snow day of the school year yesterday!) #teacherlife #itsatoughjobbutsomebodyhastodoit
– I have pretty much everything I need to complete the nursery and take a huge chunk out of my “to do before baby” list, BUT my closet (which is housed in that room) has currently thrown up ALL over the place, and we couldn’t actually move in furniture etc. if we tried. I keep telling myself that sharing that room with the baby will be “good for me” and that now is the perfect opportunity to de-clutter and minimize my wardrobe a bit, but right now I have a small anxiety attack every time I step foot in the room – thus paralyzing me and any hope of progress at this point. When is the nesting urge supposed to kick in?!?
– I misspell the word occasion (by adding an extra s) every.single.dang.time.
– The other morning when I offered Sam a bowl of cereal for breakfast, he informed me that cereal is “a dinner food.” Silly mommy! #Ineedtocookdinnermore
– I went to the doctor on Tuesday and actually made a special trip home between work and my appointment to put on clothes that I thought might “weigh less.” I also took off my Fitbit and my shoes before stepping on the scale. Ain’t nobody got time for extra pounds.
– I’m probably a bit too sad about the end of Parenthood in three episodes (one tonight). As Ashley put it on my Instagram post last week, I feel like I’m losing my best friends! Now where will I turn when I need a good ugly cry every week? (Also, I sure wish my pregnancy was as fast as Amber’s.)
…OK y’all, don’t leave me hanging in this awkward spot all alone!! You’re up next… Write your own Mid-Month Confessions post and share it by linking up at the very bottom of this post (one entry will show up on both of our blogs). We’d love if you’d also link back here by using the button (below) in your post too! (Simply copy the code underneath the image shown and paste it into the html of your post.)
*Banner and button design by Tricia Nae.
I can’t WAIT to see what sort of shenanigans you’ve been up to this month!
P.S. Don’t forget to stop by Heather’s blog today for her confessions and find a new friend or two from the links below!
OMG! Totally 100% with you on that snow day thing! We haven’t had much snow here in Jersey yet, our “peak” time is February/March but after Christmas break I am the exact.same.way! Checking my phone, school website etc. Hahaa love it!
I work in a non-teaching job at a university and I STILL live for snow days
Loving this confessions series!
Im pretty certain snow days as a teacher were even better than I remembered them as a kid. And Sam’s comment about cereal was amazing! Hahah love it!
1) AMEN to the snowday anticipation.
2) During my first period class I was experiencing some technologically difficulties syncing my smart-board, in the midst of the confusion I went to hand out the review sheet that I was using in class today and instead handed two of my students THE QUIZ..the quiz that they are taking tomorrow. At least they were honest and handed it back to me.
3) In front of us in line at Starbucks this morning was a man in a florescent uniform jacket. My three old very happily and VERY loudly exclaimed how she LOVEs all fireman. He was NOT a fireman. Thankfully he and the other customers and the barristers (heavenly people who make delicious coffee) thought it was cute.
4) I thought it was Friday… All day.
5) (This is more of a PROUD moment, than a confession but I had to share)
Yesterday, I caught my husband watching the Bachelor while folding laundry. He claims that he turned on the TV in our bedroom and was too lazy to change the channel. LOVE THAT MAN!
So glad these are back.
Thanks, again for hosting!
Clutter is driving me crazy! Between the holidays and colds moving through the house, I am struggling to catch up. :/
I am totally joining next month for this! I still look for snow days too. I work at a college though so I am usually always just hoping. All the schools in the area were cancelled today except my place of employment…whomp whomp. I saved the last three episodes of Parenthood and “binged” this weekend on all of them together. I pretty much cried for three hours straight.