Still pregnant. I was 37 weeks on Saturday; which means, for the most part, we’re in the home stretch/ “any day could be THE day” stage. I keep feeling like this girl is going to come early, and then I go to the doctor, and he is so casual about everything that I leave feeling like I may as well get comfy (yea right) and settle in for the long haul. My due date is March 22nd. Sam came three days early. We’ll see. For now, I’m feeling pretty good other than the normal uncomfortableness of late pregnancy. I’m also having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions than I had with Sam, and I’m sleeping a lot less. I plan to work right up until 40 weeks, so that keeps me pretty well tired and busy, but I’m thankful for the extra time with my students to get them prepped for standardized tests, etc. etc. (I’m trucking away at my long term sub plans etc., but it is a LOT of work, and I’m moving pretty slowly. I’ll be glad when those are all done so that I can finally really relax and feel like “I’m ready.”)
As for my lack of blogging lately… The truth is, it’s hard to sit down and write when my mind is just in a million different places. I definitely plan to photograph and blog about the nursery, I’ve finished two books I want to review on here, and I have lots of important things to discuss with you all like “coming home outfits” and this blog turning a year old in a few weeks; but, for now, I’m showing myself grace and just… blogging when I feel like it. I’m sure the energy and enthusiasm will return eventually. In the meantime, thanks for sticking around and bearing with me during this stage, for praying for my sweet girl, and for going on this journey with me. I promise you’ll know when she is here!!
Love you all! Seriously.
P.S. I’m taking a little break from goals in March since they seem kind-of pointless. Next month, maybe?!?
Hey E! Hope you’re feeling good these days. Are you not scheduling a c-section with this baby? You give yourself grace every day and every moment that you need it. You deserve it. Feel good Mama! xo
congrats! you are almost done! i can’t wait to see pics and hear what her name is!
Home stretch, home stretch! So crazy reading your favorite finds post and thinking about what you might be writing about at this time next month!! Can’t wait to see pictures of your sweet girl! Hang in there mama!
No bump photos???
Hope your last few weeks are as comfortable as possible and you get some good sleep soon! How much are you required to plan for maternity leave? In my district, we plan for two weeks and then it’s the sub’s job from there. Made things much easier for me although it was hard to let go of that control. I had an awesome 35 year (retired) veteran as my sub though, so it was nice to trust her and put focus elsewhere.