I have to admit that H&M isn’t typically on my radar when it comes to my wardrobe. I feel like many of their styles are “too young” for me and, while the prices are usually low, you kind-of get what you pay for. (There go my chances of H&M ever sponsoring me! Ha!) HOWEVER, we recently had a big store open in our mall, and when I checked it out with my mom a few weeks ago, I was pleasantly surprised. They really do have a mix of styles (there was one whole section I will just avoid altogether next time), and many of their clothes are perfectly appropriate for work, etc. I think it’s a great way to “try out the trends” without fully investing in some of the more expensive options out there.
I (obviously) didn’t buy all of these things, but here are a few of my favorites in store now:
For Me…
Ruffled Top ($17.95) / Top with Rhinestones ($39.95) / Top with Beaded Embroidery ($39.05) / Patterned Cotton Shirt ($29.95) / Sweatshirt ($19.95) / Knit Cardigan ($34.95) / Wide-Cut Sweater ($19.95) / Fine Knit Cardigan ($17.95) / Jersey Dress ($17.95) / Short Sleeved Dress ($24.95) / Colored Slacks ($29.95) / Patterned Pants ($24.95) / Cargo Jacket ($39.95) / Padded Parka ($49.95) / Tassled Loafers ($24.95) / Floral Loafers ($14.95) / Ballet Flats ($24.95) / Suede Flats ($12.95)
And for Sam…
Long Sleeve T-Shirt ($6.95) / Twill Pants ($9.95) / Henley Shirt ($12.95) / Sweatpants ($12.95) / Hooded Jersey Shirt ($14.95) / Knitted Sweater ($19.95) / Padded Vest ($9.95) / Cargo Jacket ($29.95)
What do you think? Do you ever shop there?
I’m convinced that your stores are much better than mine! I despise the mall but went about 2 weeks ago and stopped in H&M. Once I got past the plastic pants, I found a few cute things but felt like I really had to dig. There was just so much and it felt like racks were full of all different styles on a single rack. I think I actually prefer Marshalls or TJMaxx because the the quality seems a bit better and you still have the same sifting.
Btw, I checked my Target for that scarf you bought to no avail! Ugh!
I don’t have a nearby store, but I order online, and love their boys clothes. I get so sick of local stores only having boring character tshirts, jeans and shorts for little dudes, and I feel h & m is trendier with more options, but not crazy expensive for kids’ stuff like etsy and some other online shops. And I have to say it’s all held up really well. I also like their nursing stuff for moms (good prices on basics) and some of their maternity. But promise me you will never try on their maternity jeans! I made that mistake when I was near a store, and was traumatized- they run like 5 sizes small and are for people who don’t have any thighs. Cute leggings, tunics and other stuff for preggos though!
I went a couple days after they opened and got a couple things for my little guy, but it seemed like every rack I looked at with women’s clothes had nothing but smalls (and a small I am not), so I gave up. I’m thinking things had gotten really picked over at that point. Hopefully after things settle down there will be a better selection of sizes.
H&M was one of my go-tos for maternity clothes (though I never tried the jeans!) I love their kids clothes, too, even though I haven’t bought any yet. My daughter is fully outfitted in hand me downs from friends at church. When it’s time for me to actually buy something for her to wear, I’m sure I’ll check H&M online.